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ALLINONE stands as a holistic cloud-based platform meticulously crafted to streamline and optimize diverse facets of workforce management across departments, services, or entire organizations. This unified solution serves as a centralized hub for efficiently managing absences, training requests, annual employee evaluations, medical examinations, and generating key performance indicators (KPIs) that benefit both the company and its human resources

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Why Choose ALLINONE?

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📊 Absence management

ALLINONE is revolutionizing absence management by introducing a centralized hub, thereby simplifying the tracking and management of leaves, sick days, and other types of absences within the organization. This seamless feature enables managers to effectively handle these crucial aspects.

📚 Training Requests

To streamline the process, ALLINONE offers a centralized space dedicated to managing training requests. Employees can submit their requests, and managers can approve, track, and evaluate professional development programs. This promotes continuous skill improvement within the company.

🌐 Annual Employee Evaluations

ALLINONE simplifies the annual evaluation process by providing an organized framework for collecting feedback and performance reviews. This feature allows managers to conduct thorough assessments, encouraging constructive communication and the professional development of employees.

⚕️ Medical Examinations

By handling the management of medical examinations, ALLINONE offers centralized tracking. Human resources managers can ensure that all employees adhere to medical and occupational health requirements, contributing to maintaining a safe working environment.

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An intuitive interface


ALLINONE transcends daily management, presenting a comprehensive array of key performance indicators (KPIs) for a thorough overview of human resources.

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HR Forecasting Indicators:

📊 Age pyramid.
📈 Percentage of positions with identified successors.
🔄 Internal mobility rate.

Sociodemographic HR Indicators

For comprehensive employee tracking, consider our selection of HR indicators:

📊 Workforce tracking (turnover rate, average salary, average seniority, percentage of permanent employees, breakdown of fixed-term contracts/permanent contracts, vacation and leave uptake rates, etc.).
📉 Absenteeism rate (with a specific tab for managing occupational accidents and occupational diseases).
🚻 Distribution of employees by gender and occupation.
⏳ Percentage of overtime hours.
⚖️ Percentage of reported workplace conflicts.

Performance HR Indicators:

🚀 Success rate of promotions.
🌟 Employee satisfaction rate (NPS).
🔄 Turnover rate and talent turnover rate.
📈 Percentage and evolution of annual reviews.

Training Indicators

🎓 Percentage of trained employees.
⏰ Number of training hours per employee.
🌟 Training satisfaction rate.
🎯 Training success rate.
💰 Total training costs.

ALLINONE Platform: Go Beyond the Basics

unveils advanced features that will take your business to the next level.

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Let's Talk About How ALLINONE Can Help You

Our team is here to answer your questions and show you how ALLINONE can benefit your specific needs. Contact us today!

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